
Seminars banner

ENS applied seminar

The ENS applied seminar is an opportunity for leading-edge scholars to present their latest research projects, and discuss and exchange with researchers from the ENS de Lyon. The ENS applied seminar is a prominent contribution in the scientific community and has attracted presenting scholars from Harvard Business School, University of Oxford, University of California, Paris School of Economics, and many other leading universities and research centers.


Present your research 

The Department of Economics and Center for Economic Research on Governance, Inequality and Conflict welcome scholars and academic scientists to present their latest research projects at the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon. For presentation inquiries please reach out to economieatens-lyon [dot] fr (economie[at]ens-lyon[dot]fr)

October 2020

November 2020

December 2020

February 2021

March 2021

April 2021

01 Thursday
Victor GAY, Toulouse School of Economics

Collateral damage? How World War One changed the way women work

Thu, 01 April 2021

08 Thursday
Roland RATHELOT, University of Warwick

How do women and men search for jobs over the unemployment spell?

Thu, 08 April 2021

May 2021

05 Wednesday
Cécile GAUBERT, University of California - Berkeley

Responsible sourcing? Theory and evidence from Costa Rica

Wed, 05 May 2021

June 2021

September 2021

October 2021

21 Thursday
Marc SANGNIER, University of Namur

The (Market) Value of Prestige

Thu, 21 October 2021

November 2021

December 2021

02 Thursday
Anke BECKER, Harvard Business School

On the Economic Origins of Restricting Women’s Promiscuity

Thu, 02 December 2021

January 2022

10 Monday
Vincent PONS, Harvard Business School

Electoral Turnovers and Country Performance: Evidence from 2,500 National Elections

Mon, 10 January 2022

February 2022

March 2022

10 Thursday
Thu, 10 March 2022

17 Thursday
Michael KAGANOVICH, Indiana University Bloomington

Gender Differences in Persistence in a Field of Study

Thu, 17 March 2022

24 Thursday
Mohamed SALEH, Toulouse School of Economics

Political Connections and Corporate Performance in Egypt, 1890-1950


Thu, 24 March 2022

31 Thursday
Ekaterina ZHURAVSKAYA, Paris School of Economics 

Independent Media, Propaganda, and Religiosity

Thu, 31 March 2022

April 2022

06 Wednesday
Wed, 06 April 2022

14 Thursday
Ninon MOREAU-KASTLER, ENS Paris-Saclay

Unfair Mineral Trade in Africa’s Great Lake Region: the Role of Opacity and Exposure

Thu, 14 April 2022

May 2022

June 2022

02 Thursday
Benjamin MARX, SciencesPo

The Dynamics Consequences of State-Building: Evidence from the French Revolution

Thu, 02 June 2022

09 Thursday
Gabrielle FACK, University of Paris-Dauphine

The Effect of Affirmative Action on Targeted and Non-Targeted Students: Evidence from Low-income priorities in Paris High Schools

Thu, 09 June 2022

16 Thursday
Niels JOHANNESEN, University of Copenhagen

Taxing Wealth in a Globalized World: The Compliance Effect of Automatic Information Exchange

Thu, 16 June 2022

September 2022

29 Thursday
Thu, 29 September 2022

October 2022

06 Thursday
Camille LANDAIS, London School of Economics

Retirement Consumption and Pension Design

Thu, 06 October 2022

13 Thursday
Ingela ALGER, Toulouse School of Economics

Estimating Social Preferences and Kantian Morality in Strategic Interactions

Thu, 13 October 2022

20 Thursday
Julien LABONNE, University of Oxford

 Campaigning Against Populism: Emotional and Informational Messaging in Real Campaigns

Thu, 20 October 2022

November 2022

10 Thursday
Davide CANTONI, LMU München

The Rise of Fiscal Capacity

Thu, 10 November 2022

24 Thursday
Johanna RICKNE, Stockholm University

The Gender Gap in Meaningful Work: Explanations and Implications

Thu, 24 November 2022

December 2022

01 Thursday
Thu, 01 December 2022

08 Thursday
Thu, 08 December 2022

09 Friday
Fri, 09 December 2022

15 Thursday
Thu, 15 December 2022

January 2023

05 Thursday
Pierre-Philippe COMBES, SciencesPo

The emergence, growth, and stagnation of cities: France c. 1760-2020

Thu, 05 January 2023

26 Thursday
Murat KIRDAR, Boğaziçi University

Propagation of Immigration Shocks through Firm-to-Firm Trade Networks

Thu, 26 January 2023

February 2023

20 Monday
Mon, 20 February 2023

23 Thursday
Esther GEHRKE, Wageningen University

Career goals and investments in education: Experimental evidence from Cambodia

Thu, 23 February 2023

24 Friday
Alireza NAGHAVI, University of Bologna

Traditional Irrigation Systems and the Evolution of Cooperative Culture: The Persian Qanats 

Fri, 24 February 2023

March 2023

02 Thursday

Abstract to be announced

Thu, 02 March 2023

06 Monday
Mon, 06 March 2023

09 Thursday
Thu, 09 March 2023

13 Monday
Tanguy LE FUR, NYU Abu Dhabi

Abstract to be announced

Mon, 13 March 2023

14 Tuesday
Tue, 14 March 2023

16 Thursday
Thu, 16 March 2023

17 Friday
Elisa MOUGIN, Arcom

Abstract to be announced

Fri, 17 March 2023

20 Monday
Mon, 20 March 2023

21 Tuesday
Rose VINCENT, ETH Zürich

Abstract to be announced

Tue, 21 March 2023

22 Wednesday
Wed, 22 March 2023

23 Thursday
Mounu PREM, Einaudi Institute for Economics and Finance

Fear to Vote: Explosions and Elections in Colombia

Thu, 23 March 2023

30 Thursday
Thu, 30 March 2023

31 Friday
Fri, 31 March 2023

May 2023

16 Tuesday
Andres MOYA, Universidad de los Andes

Abstract to be announced

Tue, 16 May 2023

June 2023

01 Thursday
Alice MESNARD, City: University of London

Temporary Foreign Work Permits: honing the tools to defeat human smuggling

Thu, 01 June 2023

08 Thursday

Both Judge and Party? Investigating the Political Unbiasedness of Fact-checker

Thu, 08 June 2023

13 Tuesday
Oliver VANDEN EYNDE, Paris School of Economics

Fighting Together: Coordination Frictions between NATO Allies in Afghanistan

Tue, 13 June 2023

September 2023

12 Tuesday
Tue, 12 September 2023

18 Monday

21 Thursday

Thu, 21 September 2023

28 Thursday
Elisa FACCHETTI, University of Rome

"When migrants compete for top schools: Displacement and peer effects in primary education"

Thu, 28 September 2023

October 2023

05 Thursday

Thu, 05 October 2023

12 Thursday

Thu, 12 October 2023

19 Thursday

26 Thursday

Thu, 26 October 2023

November 2023

02 Thursday

Thu, 02 November 2023

09 Thursday
Gabriel ZUCMAN, Paris School of Economics

“Taxing Wealth in a Globalized World: The Compliance Effect of Automatic Information Exchange”

Abstract: Leaks from offshore financial institutions have revealed significant wealth of the rich hidden away from tax authorities worldwide. To address this adverse effect of globalization, more than 100 countries recently adopted a new policy instrument that provides automatic information exchange on financial accounts. Under the new Common Reporting Standard (CRS), banks are required to identify owners of financial accounts and provide information about their assets and capital income to their home countries. Despite its immediate policy relevance, little is known about the effectiveness of such policies to improve tax compliance and uncover hidden wealth. Using several data sources inside the Danish tax authorities and customized tax audits, we study the three ways in which the new policy of automatic information exchange can improve tax compliance. Tax evaders may repatriate their undeclared offshore wealth before the onset of automatic information exchange, they may start to self-report this wealth and its return to the tax authorities, or the tax authorities may detect their evasion in audits that use the new information reports. We document compliance effects of taxpayers along all margins with most of the overall response coming from repatriation of wealth. Our estimates indicate that taxpayers repatriated 15 percent of the hidden wealth.

Thu, 09 November 2023

16 Thursday

Thu, 16 November 2023

23 Thursday

Thu, 23 November 2023

30 Thursday
Saumitra JHA, Stanford Graduate School of Business

Dr. Jha will present his paper titled "Markets under Siege: How Political Beliefs Move Financial Markets.” :


Thu, 30 November 2023

December 2023

07 Thursday

Thu, 07 December 2023

14 Thursday
Steve Berggreen - Lund University

"The Curse of Bad Geography: Stagnant Water, Diseases and Children's Human Capital"

Thu, 14 December 2023

19 Tuesday

May 2024

23 Thursday
Max POSCH, University of Exeter

"Innovation, the Church, and WEIRD Psychology"

Thu, 23 May 2024

September 2024

10 Tuesday

12 Thursday
Thu, 12 September 2024

26 Thursday

October 2024

03 Thursday

17 Thursday

November 2024

21 Thursday

28 Thursday

December 2024

05 Thursday

12 Thursday

January 2025

15 Wednesday
Wed, 15 January 2025

March 2025

20 Thursday

27 Thursday

May 2025

22 Thursday

June 2025

05 Thursday